Happy 2013! 2012 wasn't a great one for me but I'm giving this year a real good go. Stop smoking on Tuesday, am looking for a part-time job to boost my spare income from good to great and have applied to volunteer at the local animal sanctuary (the free cats are on me lol).
I've also bought a new domain, andybeans.com, which I'll be temporarily forwarding to Whinge World until I get some hosting and content sorted. I've been dithering about this for ages, but since I've been signing all my recent Android prototypes as com.andybeans.* it's become more and more pressing to get on and actually buy said domain.
So Whinge World will slowly be decommissioned as I build AndyBeans, not that too many people will notice (I can count my visitors on the fingers of one elbow) but it's something to say anyway. If you want to know anything about my recent forays into Android then watch this space...
Anyway, it's lunchtime and I'm starving, so off to the level of purgatory called Tesco for some chicken! TTFN :)